Friday, December 25, 2009

What is the master cleanse? and, How do i start?

I've been hearing a lot about the ';master cleanse';, and i was wondering what is this all about, just water and lemon? how much do i drink everyday? and does this really work? there has been alot of testimonials that insist it works but you can never be to sure. i would really appreciate your response.What is the master cleanse? and, How do i start?
it's water, lemon juice, cayenne pepper, and blackstrap molasses. that is to provide the nutrients and energy for a short cleanse and the cayenne is to break up mucus. it is intended that you drink 8 glasses a day for 3 days and no food/other beverages but water, maybe herbal tea. it is a good cleanse but i doubt that enough nutrients are derived from the ingredients. make sure not to do it for too long and not at all if you have blood sugar problems. you might try it for one day, go back to normal, 2 days, back to normal, then the full 3 to see if you can handle it. personally, if didn't have the energy to do anything while trying it and did not last 3 days!

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