Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Master Cleanse: What if I can't keep the salt water down?

I've recently started the Master Cleanse (day 5) and I have a slight problem. I can't keep the salt water down. I know I'm supposed to do a salt water flush at least every other day, but shortly after drinking it, I throw it up. Does anyone know of an alternative? Is it ok if I completely replace it with an herbal laxative? I'd really like to get responses from people who have actually done this.Master Cleanse: What if I can't keep the salt water down?
I've done it before and I am starting again tomorrow. If you can't keep the salt water down, then you simply can't keep it down. Don't force yourself.

The purpose is to help you 'pass' what you need to get out. The herbal tea lexative (Senna Leaf tea) will do this but some people complain of stomache cramps, be sure to follow the directions and not leave the bag in too long. Good luck!!

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