Friday, December 25, 2009

How to do the master cleanse?

Starting tomorow i want to start the master cleanse. (Which consists on lemon juice, grade b maple syrup, and cayenne pepper, and water) However, im confused. Do i seriosuly put all these ingredits together into a blender and then drink it??? help please!How to do the master cleanse?
Wrong section Steph.....sorry!How to do the master cleanse?
jeese! get out of here with that! what is that crud supposed to do?
Cleanse what? Your insides? That sounds more like toilet bowl cleanser! Exlax will clean you very fast and without the horrible taste!
a girl in my spanish class is doing that cleanse right now! i felt so bad for her today, she was starving and couldn't eat anything.

anyways, yes you mix them together in a blender and drink it up.
Yes you do put them all in to the blender and make one Delicious drink, now drink up.
No pun intended kiss your at dolla dolla good bye.

After that kind of punishment im shure it'd be gald to be done with you.

How bout just drinking some ocean spray 100%

BTW this is beer wine and spirits

not colonic torture therapy
If you really want to cleanse, try dark chocolate.
yes, as a pro chef for twenty years the lemon juice cleanse is effective and safe. i've had many co workers do it and lose a lot of extra water , extra weight as loooonnng as you don't drink wine or booze or coffee. you need to drink as much water during the day , green tea is ok too, as well as taking vitamins.

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