Wednesday, January 6, 2010

When on the Master Cleanse/lemonade diet, how do you cope with being at work (ie 8-5 job)?

I mean obviously its a cleansing you just go to the bathroom all day?When on the Master Cleanse/lemonade diet, how do you cope with being at work (ie 8-5 job)?
When I was doing the master cleanse I went to the bathroom about 2-4 times but only to pee.

You only really poo in the begining of the day when you do the saltwater flush and at night when you do the laxative tea.When on the Master Cleanse/lemonade diet, how do you cope with being at work (ie 8-5 job)?
I do go to toilet more often but its not all day. It can be quite embrassing having to visit the toilet so frequent but thts alright since its part of the human nature to visit the toilets when neccessary, just don't think too much about it and focus on the positive results by the end of the detox treatment.

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